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Antique Tool Links

Links and Resources

The Internet is a fantastic “tool” for researching and learning about antique tools. Here are just a few of great sites out there about Antique tools.

Oldtools Mailing List - If you're comfortable getting lots of e-mail, try lurking around the Oldtools Mailing List. You can browse and search all messages ever posted to the group, at the Oldtools Mailing List Archive. The Oldtools list is a great resource - we have learned a lot just from reading the information that people post there and by asking specific questions. It’s also just a good “place” to hang out and get to know the great folks that frequent the place.

Patrick’s Blood and Gore - Almost everything you could possibly want to know about every plane Stanley made, written by well- known big-time tool dealer Patrick Leach:

A Miller’s Falls Home Page - Almost everything you could possibly want to know about every plane and bit brace Millers Falls made, written by not-as-well known but very diligent tool collector Randy Roeder:

Directory of American Tool and Machinery Patents - Ever find a patent marking on a tool and wonder what it was for? Check out this great resource!

The Disstonian Institute - A great resource for learning about Disston saws. Want to figure out when your Disston saw was made? Check out “How Old Is My Saw?”

The Museum of Woodworking Tools - Lots of great pictures, each with a write-up; plenty to browse, as well as a store in case you just need to buy something:

Old Tool User’s Tool Bench - The purpose of this site seems to be to arouse deep jealousy and envy among the rest of us. Lots of great pictures, not as much informational content as others; plenty of good links, though.

Mid-West Tool Collectors Association -

Early American Industries Association Inc

The Artist Blacksmith’s Association of North America, Inc. (ABANA)

Collectors of Rare and Familiar Tools of New Jersey (CRAFTS) -

Lie-Nielsen Tool Works Inc. - When you realize the quality of these tools, you’ll realize that they are actually quite reasonably priced:

Clark & Williams - Treat yourself to the finest wooden planes made today, made the old-fashioned way:

Virginia Wood Turners -

Paul Seller's Improving Plan Making Standards -

Vintage Saws -

Glossary of Blacksmithing and Metalworking Terms -

If you know of any Antique Tool links for this page, please let us know.

Richmond Antique Tool Society